Fundación Acción Territorio

Propuestas por la vida

Gestión social para el desarrollo sostenible

En procura de una sociedad más equitativa y comprometida con la preservación de su entorno como garantía de sustentabilidad para las generaciones venideras.

Objetivos Específicos


Promover la formación de una cultura de respeto, cuidado y prevención de los recursos naturales como base fundamental de un desarrollo sostenible, mediante prácticas amigables con la naturaleza


Diseñar, gestionar y ejecutar proyectos, programas y actividades para la formación de valores para la paz, la participación ciudadana, el fortalecimiento de la democracia, la resolución de conflictos, el respeto por los derechos humanos y la protección de la  juventud y  la  niñez.


Promover el conocimiento de la Constitución Nacional como parte fundamental del desarrollo de las diferentes regiones del país.

Registry Finder 2.59 Latest Version Download Torrent

Free Registration Download Finder Latest Independent Installer version offline for Windows. It is a simple registration editor. It has basic reached system facilities that are sufficient in most simple use cases.

General description of the record search engine

Registration search engine allows you to navigate the local registry, create, eliminate, eliminate and change the name of the keys and values, and modify the values ​​as their unprocessed data type (chain, multiple strings, DWORD) or binary data. You are allowed to open multiple registration windows. The next time the record search engine begins, will reopen those windows on the duplicate keys as before.

The search operation is efficient and fast. All the elements found are shown in a separate window as a list. Each line represents a single coincidence with the search criteria. The icon shows where the coincidence occurred: key name, value name or value data. The coincident text is highlighted in red.

With the replacement function, you can easily replace all or particular occurrences of one chain with another. The replacement is performed only in elements in the window to cover results. In the replace dialog box, specify all the elements or selected. Once the replacement is done, the items are updated in the window. If any element no longer coincides with the search criteria, it remains on the list.

Characteristics of the record search engine

                      > Cut/copy/paste keys and/or values ​​
                      • Undo and remake registration modifications (except changing permits)
                      • Multiple Local and remote registration windows
                      • Search fast and without blocking
                      • Complete search results are shown in a list
                      • Multiple search results window
                      • Ability to search within the previous search results, reducing down their search range
                      • Ability to look for hidden keys



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